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durumis AI News Japan

Japan's Support for Nepal's Graduation from Least Developed Country Status and Strengthening Bilateral Cooperation

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Nepal aims to graduate from Least Developed Country status in 2026 and seeks to achieve economic development and improve the lives of its people through continued support from Japan.
  • Japan has provided development cooperation in various fields in Nepal, including economic growth, poverty reduction, disaster preparedness, and strengthening democracy, with a particular focus on strengthening support in areas such as basic infrastructure, education, health, and sanitation.
  • The two countries plan to further develop their cooperative relationship in various fields such as economy, trade, and culture, marking the 70th anniversary of their diplomatic relations in 2026.

Nepal aims to graduate from the Least Developed Country (LDC) status by 2026. To achieve this, Nepal hopes to strengthen cooperation with Japan. Japan has been providing support to Nepal in various fields for a long time for sustainable development in Nepal, and it has stated that it will continue to cooperate in the future.

Nepal currently holds the status of a Least Developed Country, but has been experiencing rapid economic growth in recent years and is preparing to enter the developing country category. However, many disparities and problems still exist, making it necessary for international support. Especially in areas such as basic infrastructure, education, health, sanitation, and disaster preparedness, urgent improvement is required.

Taking Nepal's situation into consideration, Japan has been providing development cooperation in various fields for decades. Japan's current Country Assistance Strategy for Nepal focuses on three main areas: economic growth and poverty reduction, disaster management and climate change measures, and strengthening democracy and governance. To this end, Japan is implementing support projects in various areas such as transportation, energy, water resources, industry, agriculture, education, healthcare, and social services.

Specifically, Japan has a diverse support system that includes official development assistance (ODA) through JICA, grant aid, technical cooperation, non-governmental organization (NGO) support, contributions to international organizations, and scholarship programs. Through this, Japan is providing comprehensive support tailored to Nepal's conditions and needs.

Recently, Nepal has been vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and droughts. In response, Japan is strengthening its cooperation in areas such as disaster management, disaster preparedness, and forest restoration. Japan is also dedicating its resources to supporting the establishment of a democratic foundation, including the establishment of the rule of law and local governance.

Meanwhile, in the private sector, there is a growing trend of Japanese companies entering and investing in Nepal. This is expected to lead to further expansion of economic, trade, and commercial cooperation. 2026 marks the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Nepal, providing a good opportunity to upgrade bilateral cooperation.

Active personnel exchanges between the two countries are also taking place. In commemoration of the 120th anniversary of sending Nepalese students to Japan and the 50th anniversary of JAAN (ネパールJICA帰国研修員同窓会), personal networks at the grassroots level are becoming increasingly robust. Japan and Nepal are creating opportunities for mutual understanding and cooperation in various fields, including diplomacy, economy, and culture.

Nepal is on the verge of graduating from LDC status in 2026. However, many challenges remain. Nepal plans to overcome these issues through cooperation with Japan, a leading aid donor in the world, and achieve economic development and improvement in the lives of its people. Building upon their 70-year history of friendly cooperation, Nepal is expected to forge a new partnership with Japan.

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