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durumis AI News Japan

Image Generation AI: The Revolutionary Technology and Challenges in Reality

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Image generation AI is a revolutionary technology that generates images similar to real ones from text input alone, and it is being used in various fields such as art, design, advertising, but problems such as intellectual property infringement, bias reflection, and fake image generation are also being raised.
  • In particular, in 2023, fake information using AI-generated images spread, causing social confusion.
  • It is necessary to be aware of the positive effects that image generation AI can bring as well as the side effects that may occur, and for relevant industries and governments to work together to make efforts to solve these problems.

In recent years, image generation AI (Artificial Intelligence) has attracted considerable attention. This technology possesses an innovative capability to generate desired images in real time by simply inputting text. The emergence of such generative AI is opening up new opportunities and possibilities in various fields, from creative activities to business and education. However, various concerns and challenges are also being raised. In this article, we will take a closer look at the technical principles of image generation AI, its applications, and the real-world problems and challenges.

Image generation AI is a technology that utilizes artificial intelligence to create new images by learning from massive amounts of data. Deep Learning technology plays a crucial role in this process. Image generation AI learns from numerous real image data to understand the structure and patterns of images, and then generates new images that match the inputted text. This is similar to the principle of humans studying countless paintings and practicing to create original artwork.

Notable examples of image generation AI include OpenAI's 'DALL-E 2', startup Anthropic's 'Claude', and Stability AI's 'Stable Diffusion'. These AI models can generate images that are so realistic and sophisticated that they are hard to distinguish from real ones based on the given text prompts. One of the reasons why this technology is gaining attention is precisely due to this high generation quality.

The applications of image generation AI are incredibly diverse. Artists and designers are using this technology to open up new horizons in their creative endeavors. By inputting the concept of their work in text, AI instantly suggests corresponding images. Businesses are also actively utilizing image generation AI in areas like product design, advertising, and marketing. For example, one company reported a 1.8-fold increase in click-through rates after running banner ads generated by AI.

However, image generation AI still faces many challenges that need to be addressed. First, intellectual property rights are a matter of concern. Since this technology learns from existing image data, the potential for copyright infringement is raised. There have been actual cases where artists have filed lawsuits claiming that their works were plagiarized by AI. Additionally, biased training data can lead to the reflection of prejudices related to race, gender, and other factors, necessitating improvements in this area.

Meanwhile, concerns about the misuse of image generation AI, such as fake images and deepfakes, are also growing. In 2023, a false image of an explosion near the US Department of Defense spread rapidly, causing a significant drop in the stock market. Such malicious use of AI-generated images can lead to social unrest. Governments, businesses, and developers must all actively address this issue.

Finally, there is a concern that image generation AI could replace real human workers, leading to job losses. For instance, it could affect jobs such as product catalog photographers, illustrators, and designers. However, experts predict that AI will primarily serve as an assistant role rather than completely replacing these professions.

Image generation AI, with its remarkable technological prowess, also carries substantial risks. While we anticipate the positive impacts of this innovative technology, we must also pay attention to potential social issues. If the industry and government join forces to develop countermeasures, image generation AI can bring significant changes and value to our lives. It is time for us all to pay attention to the advancement of this technology and strive for social consensus.

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