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durumis AI News Japan

Japanese Government Begins Public Opinion Gathering for High-Level Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Site Candidate Selection

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  • Base country: Japan country-flag

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The Japanese government has begun gathering public opinion on the selection of candidate sites for the final disposal of high-level radioactive waste, with the search covering the entire country.
  • Following the Fukushima nuclear accident, concerns about nuclear safety have increased, raising the issue of radioactive waste disposal as a major agenda item. The government is striving to reach a national consensus through resident briefings and online opinion gathering.
  • The government plans to finalize the candidate site selection guidelines by the end of this year and begin accepting candidate site applications next year. The construction of the final disposal site is expected to take decades.

The Japanese government has launched a nationwide call for proposals for the final disposal site of high-level radioactive waste generated from nuclear power generation, seeking public opinion.

Following the Fukushima nuclear accident, anxiety over nuclear power plants has increased, making radioactive waste disposal a major concern. Over the past few years, the Japanese government has been searching for potential sites through literature surveys, but has faced difficulties in selecting a site due to resident opposition, among other factors.

Therefore, the government has decided to widely solicit public opinions during the site selection process. First, the government plans to hold resident briefings in various locations nationwide to directly explain the site selection procedure, safety, and other relevant information. In addition, public opinion will be gathered through the internet.

A government official emphasized, "The disposal of high-level radioactive waste is a national task, not just a local issue. It is crucial to foster understanding among residents and reach a national consensus."

Meanwhile, experts have suggested selecting around 10 locations as initial candidates, referring to overseas examples, and then gradually narrowing them down to the final disposal site. The construction of the final disposal site is expected to take decades, and the government is reportedly considering providing incentives, such as regional economic revitalization measures.

Based on the results of public opinion gathering, the government plans to finalize the call for proposals for the disposal site this year and begin accepting applications next year.

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