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durumis AI News Japan

130 people missing in Brazil floods despite rescue requests... Horses trapped on rooftops await rescue

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • At least 100 people have died and 130 are missing in massive floods in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, and widespread areas, including the city of Porto Alegre, have been submerged.
  • Due to heavy rains, the Guaíba Lake overflowed, and horses were found trapped on the roofs of houses, and city authorities are considering rescue options.
  • So far, 2 million residents have been affected, and military personnel have been deployed to conduct rescue operations, but the number of missing persons continues to rise, and there are concerns about the possibility of further damage spreading.

At least 100 people have been killed and about 130 are missing in a massive flood in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Heavy rains that have been falling since late April caused the Guaíba Lake in the region to overflow, flooding a vast area including the city of Porto Alegre.

In Porto Alegre, the main affected area, a video recently captured a horse standing alone on the roof of a house. The horse is believed to have escaped from its owner during the sudden flood and taken refuge on the roof.

After the video was released on TV and social media, there were reactions expressing concerns such as "The horse needs to be rescued quickly" and "But it's so big, it won't be easy to rescue." The horse is reportedly still stranded on the roof and has not yet been rescued. The authorities in Porto Alegre are reportedly reviewing appropriate rescue options.

Meanwhile, the massive flood has completely flooded some villages in Brazil, and an estimated 2 million people have suffered significant damage. In particular, the lake water began to flow into the city from the afternoon of the 2nd, and the water level is still reportedly at a dangerous level.

Brazilian authorities are deploying military forces to carry out swift rescue operations, but many people are still reported missing. There are also predictions that it will take about 30 days for the lake water level to drop to a safe level, raising concerns that the damage may spread further.

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