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durumis AI News Japan

From tidying up your room to organizing your belongings, expert tips for a 'clean life'

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • It is effective to think of tidying up your house as an 'opportunity' rather than an 'obligation', and to focus on tidying up for a short period of time.
  • It is important to take out all your belongings, judge whether or not to use them, and only keep the items that are necessary for 'your life right now'.
  • By deciding where to put your belongings and developing a habit of returning them to their original place after use, you can maintain a consistently tidy space.

Tidying up your home is not an easy task for anyone. It is difficult to manage everything from small spaces like desks, closets, and shoe cabinets to all your belongings. But living in a well-organized space gives you peace of mind and improves your concentration. Today, we will introduce you to some tips for tidying up your home, using advice from professional organizers.

First, your mindset is important before you start tidying up your home. Instead of thinking of it as an "obligation" to tidy up, think of it as an "opportunity" to improve your quality of life. It is also a good idea to set a time and amount of time to tidy up in advance. This will improve your concentration. Set a time, from as short as 10 minutes to as long as 30 minutes, and set an alarm and concentrate on tidying up. If you start thinking "it's only 10 minutes", you can do more than you think in no time.

It is also a good idea to take pictures of the space before and after you start tidying up. Looking at the picture before tidying up will make you realize that the messy space wasn't so obvious. You will also feel a sense of accomplishment when you see the "after" picture after you have finished tidying up. Playing simple music while you work can also make the atmosphere more pleasant.

The actual cleaning starts with taking out all the items. When you take out all the items in your storage space, such as furniture or closets, you can accurately understand your possessions and the quantity. If it is difficult to tidy up all at once, it is better to start with a small space, such as a kitchen drawer or a cardboard box.

Next, you need to separate the items you have taken out by "whether or not you use them". It is better to throw away items that you do not use, but if it is difficult to throw them away, you can give them to friends or family, or put them up for sale on online auction sites. However, do not erase items that you actually use at least once a year.

It is not desirable to categorize items based on "whether they can be used or not". It is a waste to keep unused items just because they can be worn or are not broken. It is important to judge the usefulness of items based on "your current life".

After you have sorted the items, you need to decide where to store them. It is a good idea to store items you use every day in a space from your knees to above your head, and items you do not use often below that. It is also easy to find things if they are categorized. If you have a family, it is also effective to categorize them by user. It is also convenient to arrange items based on your living flow.

Finally, it is important to keep the space tidy on an ongoing basis. When you buy new items, you should secure storage space in advance, and if you have too many items, it is a good idea to get rid of old items before you buy new ones. Also, if you give each item a specific address and put it back in its place after use, you will be able to keep your belongings tidy.

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