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durumis AI News Japan

G7 Agrees to Use Russian Assets to Support Ukraine... Also Contains a Warning to China (Sankei Shimbun)

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The joint declaration adopted at the G7 summit strongly condemns China's continued support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and emphasizes the legitimacy of using Russian assets to support Ukraine.
  • In particular, the declaration warns China about supporting Russia's defense industry and mentions the risks of developing autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) using AI, emphasizing the need for responsible development and use of AI.
  • This declaration carries a strong message condemning Russia's invasion, supporting Ukraine, preventing Chinese support, and calling for ethical use of AI technology.

The G7 summit communique, adopted on the 14th, reflects a strong awareness of Russia, which continues its invasion of Ukraine, and China, which supports it. While asserting the legitimacy of using frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine, the communique also expressed its intention to respond decisively to China, which it sees as a factor contributing to the prolongation of the war.

The communique described this support using Russian assets as "reparations" for Ukraine. It stressed the legitimacy of the claim, stating that Russia's "international legal obligation to compensate for the damage inflicted on Ukraine is clear." It also stated that "it is not right for Russia to decide whether or how to pay reparations," implying that Ukraine and Western countries are in a position to decide the timing and method of reparations payments.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pointed out regarding the use of Russian assets, "It is not European taxpayers who pay for this war of aggression, but Putin." This seems to be aimed at suppressing the discontent of citizens who oppose continued support amid the emergence of "support fatigue" in the West.

The G7 also expressed concern in the communique about the reality that sanctions measures banning exports to Russia of materials that can be used in weapons manufacturing have been "weakened" by China. After stating that China is supporting Russia's defense industry, the communique warned that there are "serious and wide-ranging security implications." This is because vital materials supplied from China and elsewhere to Russia pose a concern that they could "pose a long-term threat to European security" (US senior official).

Furthermore, the communique mentioned sanctions against Chinese financial institutions that support Russia's military organization. A European political expert analyzed, "Through the communique, the G7 warned China and others that cooperating with Russia would make them subject to sanctions as well."

Meanwhile, the communique pointed out the need for a framework for the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in relation to its military use. Concerns are rising that China, which is increasing military pressure in the Taiwan Strait, may be accelerating the development of autonomous lethal weapon systems (LAWS) using AI. Early regulation is demanded as the practical application of LAWS could lead to immediate decisions on the use of force, potentially exacerbating conflicts.

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